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Get Root Domain Name and subdomain Of Website using PHP

I am using this function code

public function getRootDomain($domain)
$domain = explode('.', $domain);

$tld = array_pop($domain);
$name = array_pop($domain);

$domain = "$name.$tld";

return $domain;

And the output i get is something like example.com but i want to show m.example.com or www.example.com Help related this ..thankx

Use parse_url() . You would want the host :

$url = '//www.example.com/path?googleguy=googley';

// Prior to 5.4.7 this would show the path as "//www.example.com/path"
The above example will output:
array(3) {
  string(15) "www.example.com"
  string(5) "/path"
  string(17) "googleguy=googley"

You would use it like so:

public function getRootDomain($domain)
    $parts = parse_url($domain);
    return $parts['host'];

If you're using PHP 5.4+:

public function getRootDomain($domain)
    return parse_url($domain)['host'];

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