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Is suexec function stable in apache prefork module?

My server enviroment: centos 6.4, apache2.2 with prefork module, php 5.3 with module 5.c. i have 10 vitualhosts run by apache, i want to seperate these 10 sites, can i use suexec function in my server? is suexec reliable in my production server?

Yes, but it executes something which can be slow, because it needs to start a new process for every query.

This problem can be solved by the fcgi.

A much better solution were if you used mpm-itk ( http://mpm-itk.sesse.net/ ) works like the prefork mpm, but with itk you can define different users/groups for your virtualhosts in the main apache config. There is no need for any setuid or such tricks.

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