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rvm requirements with Xcode 4.3

Today I'm working in a Mac (I'm a Ubuntu user), and have some problems to install and configure the Ruby on Rails.

First I install the homebrew , and then rvm .

Then I was trying install the rvm requirements and get this error:

user:~ analistas$ rvm requirements
Checking requirements for osx.
Error: No available formula for gcc46 
Installing requirements for osx.
Updating system........
Error running 'requirements_osx_brew_update_system ',
showing last 15 lines of /Users/analistas/.rvm/log/1395783259/update_system.log
+ printf %b '
Xcode version older than 4.6.2 installed, download and install newer version from:


After installation open Xcode, go to Downloads and install Command Line Tools.

Xcode version older than 4.6.2 installed, download and install newer version from:


After installation open Xcode, go to Downloads and install Command Line Tools.

+ return 1
Requirements installation failed with status: 1.
user:~ analistas$ 

It's possible run rvm requirements with a older Xcode?

You can do brew search rvm and if you see and older version (I'm not sure which one supports older gcc). You can then do brew install {whatever search returns}

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