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.html() in ajax doesn't work

I want to make like and unlike to book i make it but this code executes only one time without refresh pages


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#wish").click(function() {
            var userId = "<?php echo $this->session->userdata("user"); ?>";
            var bookId = "<?php echo $book->bo_id; ?>";

            var sendData = {"user_id": userId, "book_id": bookId , "flag": this.title};
                url: "<?= base_url(); ?>bookstore/book/add_read_wish/",
                type: "POST",
                data: sendData,

                success: function(data) {

            if ($(this).html() != "<img src='<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16-presed.png' alt='' />") {
                    $(this).attr('id', 'delete_wish');
                    $(this).attr('title', 'حذف الكتاب من قائمة الأمنيات');
                    $(this).replaceWith("<a id='delete_wish' class='rss' href='javascript:void(0)' title='حذف الكتاب من قائمة الأمنيات'><img src='<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16-presed.png' alt='' /></a>");
                    //this.title = "حذف الكتاب من قائمة الأمنيات";


        $("#delete_wish").click(function() {
            var userId = "<?php echo $this->session->userdata("user"); ?>";
            var bookId = "<?php echo $book->bo_id; ?>";

                 var sendData = {"user_id": userId, "book_id": bookId , "flag": this.title};
                url: "<?= base_url(); ?>bookstore/book/delete_read_wish/",
                type: "POST",
                data: sendData,

                success: function(data) {

            if ($(this).html() != "<img src='<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16.png' alt='' />") {
                    $(this).attr('id', 'wish');
                    $(this).attr('title', 'أنوى قراءة هذا الكتاب');
                    $(this).replaceWith(" <a id='wish' class='rss' href='javascript:void(0)' title='أنوي قراءة هذا الكتاب'><img src='<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16.png' alt='' /></a>");
                    //this.title = "حذف الكتاب من قائمة الأمنيات";




<?php if ($book_wish == NULL) { ?>
                            <a id="wish" class="rss" href="javascript:void(0)" title="أنوي قراءة هذا الكتاب">
                                <img src="<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16.png" alt="" />
                        <?php } else { ?>
                            <!--<div  id="wish">-->
                            <a id="delete_wish" class="rss" href="javascript:void(0)" title="حذف الكتاب من قائمة الأمنيات">
                                <img src="<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16-presed.png" alt="" />

You are setting up click handler for #delete_wish on page load. But later you are creating #delete_wish links dynamically in $("#wish").click . Dynamically created #delete_wish links are not binded to this handler. You need to re-bind every dynamically created link.

(Assuming you separated your #delete_wish click handler method as handlerFunction)

In your $("#wish").click after ajax request:

if ($(this).html() != "<img src='<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16-presed.png' alt='' />") {
  $(this).attr('id', 'delete_wish');
  $(this).attr('title', 'حذف الكتاب من قائمة الأمنيات');
  $(this).replaceWith("<a id='delete_wish' class='rss' href='javascript:void(0)' title='حذف الكتاب من قائمة الأمنيات'><img src='<?= base_url() ?>global/site/images/books.website_icon-16-presed.png' alt='' /></a>");
  //bind a click handler for newly created link:

The problem is the replaceWith JQuery function. It basically replace your original element with the 'click' binding with new elements.


Once replaced, the new element does not listen to the click event.

I suggest wrapping your two s in , move the id of a the to the like:

<span id="wish" ><a id="wish" class="rss" ...>..</a> </span>

Then you don't need to change the javascript code (note, the id="wish" need to be removed in the replacing )

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