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Sending form information to an email address stored in database

Hi what I am trying to do is to create a form that a user fills out some information,on submit that information is then sent to email addresses that they have already saved into a database. I have created an sql statement where the user saves the persons name and email like so

  mysql_select_db("lr", $con);
 $sql="INSERT INTO bridesmaids (FirstName, email)

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))


  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

echo "Bridesmaid added"; 

So in my other form I would like the information to be sent to the "email" field in this table, is this possible?

通常,您通常会从数据库中获取电子邮件,然后遍历它们,从而向您发送邮件, http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mail.asp是发送邮件的良好起点。

Yes, its possible, but you need a mail server to use in order to send emails. if you are using an online hosting service that includes emails, it should be enough to use this line of code:

mail("to@email.com", "message subject", "message body", "From: from@email.com");

if you have a separate mail server you need to specify the mail server configuration in the php.ini file.

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