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linux bash script to create folder and move files

Hello I need to create folder based on a filename and in this folder create another one and then move file to this second folder

create folder my_file
create folder picture
move my_file.jpg to picture

I have this script but it only works on windows and now I'm using Linux

for %%A in (*.jpg) do mkdir "%%~nA/picture" & move "%%A" "%%~nA/picture"

Sorry if I'm not precise but English is not my native language.

Use basename to create the directory name, mkdir to create the folder, and mv the file:

for file in *.jpg; do
  folder=$(basename "$file" ".jpg")"/picture"
  mkdir -p "$folder" && mv "$file" "$folder"
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Enable bash built-in extglob to ease file matching.
shopt -s extglob
# To deal with the case where nothing matches. (courtesy of  mklement0)
shopt -s nullglob

# A pattern to match files with specific file extensions.
# Example for matching additional file types.

# By default use the current working directory.

# Pass an argument to this script to name the subdirectory
# something other than picture.

# For each file matched
for file in "${src}"/$match
  # make a directory with the same name without file extension
  # and a subdirectory.
  targetdir="${dest}/$(basename "${file%.*}")/${subdirectory}"
  # Remove echo command after the script outputs fit your use case. 
  echo mkdir -p "${targetdir}"
  # Move the file to the subdirectory.
  echo mv "$file" "${targetdir}"

Try the following:

for f in *.jpg; do
    mkdir -p "${f%.jpg}/picture"
    mv "$f" "${f%.jpg}/picture"

${f%.jpg} extracts the part of the filename before the .jpg to create the directory. Then the file is moved there.

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