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Google API - How do I get alias emails for a user?


Using Google Apps OAuth for authentication, how can I retrieve a user's email aliases?

I can't seem to find any API docs on how to do this. What are the necessary scopes and what is the correct call to get that info?


Let's say I have a user Alice that invites bob@company.com to use the app. Unfortunately, bob@company.com is actually an alias for bob.jones@company.com . When Bob logs into the service with Google OAuth, Google tells me his email address is bob.jones@company.com . Now I have accidentally created two accounts for Bob when I want to recognize them as the same account.

You can use the Google People API for this. Here's the documentation . The scope you need to use is: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.addresses.read

This will return all the email addresses for the user and also tell you which is the primary one.

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