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Get animation length - Unity

I need to yield for the length of my animation that is in the base layer and named "TurnAround". It makes the character display an animation of them turning around. How do I get this turnaround? Then How do I get the time length?

Is Turnaround an AnimationState? Is it an AnimationStateInfo? It is one of the animations in Animator with transitions.

I have anim = GetComponent<Animator>(); to get the Animator. I'm looking at turnAround = anim.getCurrentAnimatorStateInfo but don't think that is quite right.


It is under AnimationClip .

Get it calling:

float length = gameObject.animation.clip.length;


Since you are using an animator, you can do this:

Animator animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

float length = animator.animation.clip.length;

Animator inherits Animation , you can call of Animation 's members.


Here is the final way that will definitely work:

Animation turnBack; //assign in inspector


float length = turnBack.clip.length;

turnBack goes at the top so it is a global variable, then you assign the animation to it in the unity editor (inspector). You can also do this with an array of animations and reference them by their index

Animation[] animations = new Animation[max];

float length = animations[index].clip.length;

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