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How to get animation to play multiple times in Unity?

I want to get a sprite to play an animation of a drop of liquid falling every time that it is clicked, however the animation only plays the first time I click it and I have no idea why.

Here is the code used on the sprite:

public class PipetteScript : MonoBehaviour {

public Animator pipetteAnim;
public BoxCollider2D pipetteMove;
public IndicatorScript indicator;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
    pipetteAnim.enabled = true;
    pipetteMove.enabled = true;
    indicator.enabled = true;

void OnMouseDown () {
    pipetteAnim.Play ("Pipette_dropping");
    Debug.Log ("Anim playing");

The debug log even prints out "Anim playing" every time I click on the sprite.

Use animation in Update function and Let me update

public class PipetteScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Animator pipetteAnim;
public BoxCollider2D pipetteMove;
public IndicatorScript indicator;
public bool boolval = false;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
    pipetteAnim.enabled = true;
    pipetteMove.enabled = true;
    indicator.enabled = true;
void update()
 if(boolval == true)
   pipetteAnim.Play ("Pipette_dropping");
 if(boolval == false)
   pipetteAnim.Stop ("Pipette_dropping");
void OnMouseDown () {
    boolval = True;
void OnMouseUp () {
    boolval = False;

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