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FragmentTransaction animation - show enter fragment above exit fragment

When you use are examined animation shift fragments (outgoing fragment has a longer duration than the animation comes fragment) faced with the fact that the fragment comes time animation falls under the outgoing fragment - I expected it to be animated over the outgoing fragment. Who knows how to achieve the desired effect it?

first fragment add:

fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(R.id.frame_layout_fragments_container, new FragmentHome(), "home").commit();

replace fragment:

fragmentManager.beginTransaction().setCustomAnimations(R.anim.forward_show, R.anim.forward_hide, R.anim.back_show, R.anim.back_hide).replace(R.id.frame_layout_fragments_container, fragment, fragmentName).commit();

simple illustrations

now I have: 在此输入图像描述

what I need: 在此输入图像描述

something like Zoom-out page transformer?? http://developer.android.com/training/animation/screen-slide.html

I think you could try the following approach as a work around.

fragmentTr.setCustomAnimations(enter, exit);
fragmentTr.add(containerId, newFragment, "aTag");

Do not use replace(). I tried the above approach, and it worked. Hope this helps.

ViewCompat.setTranslation(getView, 100.f);


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