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Delete row in Excel if a cell does not contain a specific value

I have a worksheet, i need deleted all rows that not contain the phrase "@" on column G until column K.

This is sample data i have


if cell on Column G until Column K not containing "@", Delete Rows

please help me..

The following macro scans from row 2 and removes rows where columns 2-5 do not contain an @ :

Sub Macro1()
CurRow = 2
While CurRow < Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1
  If InStr(1, _
      Sheet1.Cells(CurRow, 2) _
      & Sheet1.Cells(CurRow, 3) _
      & Sheet1.Cells(CurRow, 4) _
      & Sheet1.Cells(CurRow, 5), _
      "@", vbTextCompare) Then
    Sheet1.Rows(CurRow & ":" & CurRow).Delete Shift:=xlUp
    CurRow = CurRow - 1
  End If
  CurRow = CurRow + 1
End Sub

Using Instr , we concatenate the columns of interest (2-5 in my example code above) to create a single string of text. Then we search for @ within that concatenated string and remove accordingly.

It changes




Alternatively, you can create an additional column containing the following formula:


FIND is used to identify whether an @ exists within one of the preceding cells, print No if not and Yes if it does. Now you can filter these elements ( No ), select the range (making sure only the visible cells are selected), delete the rows and remove the filter.

You will have to use several loop commands. Begin by looping through the records that you want to process. Here is an outline of pseudo-code.

  • loop through the columns that you want to process, G through K
  • read the value of the cell as a string
  • initialize variable atdetector = "dunno_yet"
  • loop through each character of the string
  • if any character = "@"; then atdetector = "found"

After looping through each column, if atdetector = "dunno_yet" , then "@" was never found. Delete the row. Repeat until there are no more rows.

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