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jquery tooltip into display:column

i'm using displayTag to show some tables. I want to add a tooltip to display:column using jquery

Here is my code:

<c:set var="titleName"><wp:i18n key="FILENAME"/></c:set>
<display:column  title="${titleName}" class="nowrap">       
<script type="text/javascript" >
    $(document).ready(function() {
            items: 'span',
            content: "<c:out value="${docFinancial.fileNameToDisplay}" />" }).tooltip("open");;
<span id="infoTooltip${docFinancial_rowNum}"> <c:out value="${fn:substring(docFinancial.fileNameToDisplay, 0, 20)}" />...</span>

But it's not working.. the tooltip is never displayed and i have no js error

this is the HTML source generated code

<td class="nowrap"><script type="text/javascript" >
        $(document).ready(function() {
                items: 'span',
                content: "I-B_2.1_529_AQUAKNIGHT_Budget A Contingency_I-B_2.1_529_AQUAKNIGHT_budget approved_customized_b" }).tooltip("open");
    <span id="infoTooltip14"> I-B_2.1_529_AQUAKNIG...</span>

What's wrong?



You need to use # to target element by id , you also need to escape special characters using double backslashes \\\\ :

// ^-- Use # instead of . 

Try to use attribute start with selector:


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