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Getting the values from a column based on a string from another column and returning a unique list from result

I have a table that has two columns that I'm interested in. What I want to do is lookup a string in the the first column but save the strings from the second column in a range. Also I would like the values to be unique.

I was thinking of looping through the entire first column, but given that I have in excess of 20000 rows I was wondering if there are better methods that will automatically find the values and save them as a range.

Here's and example of how my table looks:


So what I want is save as a range all the strings in column D when column A has value AAA, for example. I know that I can do this easily with advanced filter but I want to do it in VBA.


Use something like this:

Sub FilterRange(WS As Worksheet, FieldIndex As Long, CriteriaStr As String)
    WS.AutoFilterMode = False
    Set Rng = WS.UsedRange
    Rng.AutoFilter FieldIndex, CriteriaStr, Operator:=xlFilterValues, VisibleDropDown:=False
End Sub

Call it like this:

Sub Test()

    Dim WS As Worksheet: Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3") 'Modify as necessary.
    Dim ColOfCondition As Long
    ColOfCondition = Application.Match("HeaderA", WS.Rows(1), 0)
    FilterRange WS, ColOfCondition, "AAA"

End Sub

Gives a result like this:


Let us know if this helps.

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