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MVC.NET: define a strongly typed HTML Helper for DropDownList

I am trying to find out how I could define my own HtmlHelper for creating a dropdownlist. I have the following scenarion: I am using the select2 jQuery plugin ( http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/ ) for multiple selects with search and better interface. My Model has x id's of tags associated. As I understand it, these tags can only get a value when an Html helper like @Html.DropDownListFor() is used? I would like to

  • write pure html and somehow tell it the value has to be stored in the list of tag-id's in my model


  • make an HTML Helper which can achieve the same effect.

Currently I have this, but I see no way of passing the selected values to the model when the form gets posted:

        <label>Kies je thema's (maximum 2):</label>
        <select id="select2select" multiple style="width: 500px">
            @foreach (var top in ((List<Topic>)ViewBag.TopIds).Where(top => top.MainTopic == null))
                <option value="@top.TopicId" class="optionGroup">@top.Name</option>
                foreach (var subTopic in top.SubTopics)
                    <option value="@subTopic.TopicId" class="optionChild">@subTopic.Name</option>

How can I get the selected value in the property in my list while keeping this structure?

Extra: as you can see my options have classes, this is because I have Main tags and subtags. Users can choose either main tags or subtags, so I can't work with <optiongroup> because they 'groups' have to be selectable. I give them, depending on their class, a different format using select2 format.


 @Html.DropDownListFor(m => top.SubTopics, new SelectList(top.SubTopics, "TopicId", "Name"))

There is a couple of ways you can do this.

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => top.SubTopics, new SelectList(top.SubTopics, "TopicId", "Name"))

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => Model.SubTopics, Model.SubTopics, null, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "ui search selection dropdown clearable", @clearable = "", @id = "Model_SubTopics" })

These two can have issues with changing html Attribute "name" values for different model binding.

you can use a Tag Helper to do it the more modern way.

<select asp-for="Model.SubTopics" asp-items="@Model.SubTopics"  class="ui search selection dropdown clearable" ></select>

This way will take the pre-configured value if you have model binding for the input form.

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