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primitive == Wrapper converts to primitive == primitive or Wrapper == Wrapper?

I suppose that conversions described in jls are sorted according the priority. first has greate priority.


Thus I solved that Boxing has greater priority than Unboxing . I decided to check this assumption.

research following code:

public class BoxingUnboxingPriority {
    public static void main(String [] args){
        int sn = 1000;
        Integer isn1= new Integer(sn);
        System.out.println(sn == isn1 );




What is boxing? is just new Integer(primitiveInt)

I changed the code a bit

int sn = 1000;
Integer isn1= new Integer(sn);
Integer isn2= new Integer(sn);
System.out.println(isn1 == isn2 );



Thus I made mistake.

Please clarify me this issue.

The relevant section :

15.21.1. Numerical Equality Operators == and !=

If the operands of an equality operator are both of numeric type, or one is of numeric type and the other is convertible ( §5.1.8 ) to numeric type, binary numeric promotion is performed on the operands ( §5.6.2 ).


Integer o = 1;
int i = 1;
boolean b = o == i;

...is equivalent to:

boolean b = o.intValue() == i;

Where both are of type Integer neither is a primitive numeric type - they are both object references .

When you use primitive with a Wrapper object, that wrapper object will be unboxed and then the operation will be applied.

In your first case, when you comparing sn with isn1 , isn1 will be unboxed and the value will be compared. So you got true .

In second case, isn1 , isn2 are two different object, so == operator will give false

I suppose that conversions described in jls are sorted according the priority.

That is incorrect. The JLS does not talk about "priorities" for conversions. It is not a recognized concept.

In fact, the conversions that can be applied are documented on a case by case basis for each operator, and so on. Thus JLS 15.21.1 says that == or != for numeric types results in "binary numeric promotion" of both operands. And JLS 5.6.2 says that binary numeric promotion consists of "unboxing conversion" ( 5.1.8 ) followed by "widening primitive conversion" ( 5.1.2 ) and finally "value set conversion" ( 5.1.3 ).

By contrast, JLS 15.21.3 says that when two references are compared using == or != , no promotions or conversions take place.

(In fact, a common Java beginners mistake is to use == to compare two Integer objects rather than the equals(Object) method. And probably that is what "the question" you are looking at is trying to test your understanding of ...)

int sn=1000; Integer isn1=new Integer(sn); System.out.println(sn == isn1 );

will be converted to

System.out.println(sn == isn1.intValue());

while comparing primitive with wrapper the wrapper object first will be unboxed and then comparison. wrapper object intValue() returns int so due to primitive comparison result true.

Integer isn1= new Integer(sn);

Integer isn2= new Integer(sn); System.out.println(isn1 == isn2 );

// comparing two different object so false.

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