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How to get available/free sdcard space in android with adb command

I am trying to get free sdcard space with adb command, but I could not able to achieve. Any suggestions how to get the sdcard space.

Use df , as with any Linux distro. Not all Android devices may have it, but it usually seems to be available.

  1. df : Disk space details.

    adb shell df

  2. du : Disk space used by the specified files and subdirectories.

    adb shell du

  3. df -h : Disk space details in KB/MB format.

    adb shell df -h

  4. du -h : Disk space used by the specified files and subdirectories in KB/MB format.

    adb shell du -h

  5. For specific folder desk space details.

    adb shell df /system

  6. For specific folder and sub-directories desk space details

    adb shell du /system

df -h查找磁盘使用情况并查找大文件:

du -a <the_dir> | sort -n -r | head -n 20

du | sort -n -r du | sort -n -r will mess up the hierarchy of folders, so I prefer -t, --threshold=SIZE to set a threshold.

But du on my Android phone doesn't have -t, --threshold=SIZE option

So I found an alternative:

du -m | awk '$1 >= 100'

(Display directories with a size >= 100MB)

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