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Solution not getting built in team explorer when I add project outside the solution folder

I added a project that is outside the solution folder in the TFS.

Its getting built locally and publishing successfully, but when I build it through the team explorer the newly added project which is outside the solution folder is not getting built

GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
        SccNumberOfProjects = 3
        SccEnterpriseProvider = {K4J2KL-18FA-40KD-95D4-23023fK}
        SccTeamFoundationServer = http://ipaddress:8080/tfs/track
        SccLocalPath0 = .
        SccProjectUniqueName1 = ProjectName\\ProjectName.csproj
        SccProjectTopLevelParentUniqueName1 = ProjectName.sln
        SccProjectName1 = ProjectName
        SccLocalPath1 = ProjectName
        SccProjectUniqueName2 = ..\\..\\ProjectName.BusinessEntities\\ProjectName.BusinessEntities.csproj
        SccProjectTopLevelParentUniqueName2 = ProjectName.sln
        SccProjectName2 = ../../ProjectName.BusinessEntities
        SccLocalPath2 = ..\\..\\ProjectName.BusinessEntities

Here when i build the project in team explorer, it says that the ProjectName.BusinessEntities.csproj is not found. This class library is two folders above the folder containing the solution in TFS.

Your workspace mapping for the build definition must include the new project. The build is telling you the truth - it can't find the .csproj file because only those files in the workspace mappings will be fetched - and that doesn't include your new project.

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