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not able to install Caldav gem in rails

I want to access a Darwin iCal server which i have implemented using my Rails application. I would like to create events and access the server to get events in specific date range. When I tried to install the Caldav gem , I am getting a dependency with the "rexml" gem.

Could not find gem 'rexml (>= 0) ruby', which is required by gem 'caldav (>= 0) ruby', in any of the sources.

Unfortunately rexml is not there in gemscutter or any other sources. Any idea how I can use the Caldav gem ?

try this in your Gemfile

gem 'ruby-caldav', github: 'martinpovolny/ruby-caldav'

If it does not work try this Caldav fork gem instead:


you may try this https://rubygems.org/gems/twisted-caldav

basically we modified some other caldav client and customised for out needs... but it works with ubuntu calenderserver

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