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PHP Simple HTML DOM can't read "data-src" or "img src" without http: in path

I'm working with PHP Simple HTML DOM and just discovered it can't read images from data-src attribute or <img src without http: eg; <img src="//static.mysite.com/123.jpg">

Is there any way to make it happen?

My code is:

foreach($htm->find('img') as $element) {
        $raw = file_get_contents_curl($element->src);
        $im = @imagecreatefromstring($raw);
        $width = @imagesx($im);
        $height = @imagesy($im);
    $hasimg = '1';
        echo '<img src=\'' .$element->src. '\'>';

} // end foreach
} // end if htm

It works for me:

$doc = str_get_html('<img data-src="foo">');
echo $doc->find('img', 0)->getAttribute('data-src');
//=> outputs: foo
echo $htm->find('img', 0)->getAttribute('data-src');

If you're using file_get_contents_curl() as a function you defined in your code, like the one in this question , you need to set the default protocol to use for cURL:


That way, if the image src attribute has a protocol relative URL, cURL will just use HTTP.

Leaving out the protocol (http/https) is called "network path reference" and means that the protocol of the page the URL is embedded in should be used. This makes no sense with file_get_contents() or curl, because they are not aware of any page.

Long story short, you have to add the protocol yourself.

Try this:

if (substr($url, 0, 2)=='//') $url='http:'.$url;

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