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Importing game source code into eclipse adt

How to import a git clone into eclipse adt ? I want to try and modify the asqare game ( https://code.google.com/p/asqare/source/checkout ) to create a new game for nexus-5 device. I have a clone of the git on my disk, but I can't import/open the project in eclipse for editing it... Please help with the correct procedure for importing this project into eclipse adt.

You can do it this way. In eclipse:

  • File -> Import
  • Git -> Projects from Git, click Next
  • select Clone URI, Next
  • Location URI: https://code.google.com/p/asqare/ , Next
  • master, Next
  • Destination Directory: C:... (browse to a place you want), Next
  • Import existing projects, Next
  • Finish

This will clone the project in the place you specified and will import the project in the Eclipse Package Explorer:


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