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How to use jquery function result as parameter in html.actionlink

I have simple @html.actionlink("action", "controller", new {id = somevalue})

and jquery function

    function getValue() {
        var p = $("#EditId").val();
        return p;

How to use return value of this function instead of " somevalue " in actionlink?

Try this:

@html.actionlink("action", "controller", new {id = somevalue,@class="link"})

function getValue() {
    var p = $("#EditId").val();

    return p;



 $(".link").href.replace("somevalue", getValue());

What you are trying to do is impossible as you describe it because the @Html.ActionLink is a server side code and renders a tag when JS involved the @Html.ActionLink finished its job and gone.

Also as you are trying change the id of element this might be also impossible for later access (not sure).

As a work around you can ad the link with JS function with a place-holder. Try below and tell me is it is working

instead of @Html.ActionLink use the below;

<div id="linkPlaceHolder"></div>

on load use the following

 var actionUrl = @Url.Action("action", controller); // you get the url of action

 $("#linkPlaceHolder").replaceWith("<a href='"+actionUrl+"' id='" + getValue() + "'>Text</a>")

this should work and if not or not exactly what you want we are here.

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