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I can't able to run the android application in AVD

I have multiple questions to ask. I tried my best to find the solution but still confused.

1) I couldn't able to run the android app in in the avd. Whenever I click the run as android application. Its only creating multiple avd but no avd is running my app. And I couldn't find any logcat messages. In the console its displaying these errors.

[2014-04-17 09:12:42 - MyFirstApp] Android Launch!
[2014-04-17 09:12:42 - MyFirstApp] adb is running normally.
[2014-04-17 09:12:42 - MyFirstApp] Performing com.example.myfirstapp.MainActivity activity launch
[2014-04-17 09:12:42 - MyFirstApp] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'MotoG'
[2014-04-17 09:12:42 - MyFirstApp] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'MotoG'
[2014-04-17 09:13:47 - Emulator] WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
[2014-04-17 09:13:47 - Emulator] WARNING: SD Card image already in use: C:\Users\Sanjay M\.android\avd\MotoG.avd/sdcard.img
[2014-04-17 09:13:47 - Emulator] WARNING: Cache partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
[2014-04-17 09:13:47 - Emulator] emulator: emulator window was out of view and was recentere
[2014-04-17 09:13:47 - Emulator]

2) Sometime the appcompat_v7 is not creating along with the project. Is it normal?

3) When I tried to create a Master flow activity its saying "This template requires a minimum SDK version of at least 11, and the current min version is 8" - How to update the SDK version.

Thanks a lot in advance.

    android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

add that in your manifest for setting min and target sdk

Ok, For point 1 :

Well As i thinks your application Target mode is by default selected as manual.

Select Run Tab in eclipse->Select Run Configurations -> In that select Target Tab ->Select Automatic instead of manual Click on Apply button and now hit run.

Now your app doesn't prompt for a device.

For Point 2:

appcompat_v7 is a support library in android, so if you already have this library some where in the workspace then it would not be created each time.

for more see here .

For point 3 :

While creating the new project set the minimum sdk version to 11 in fourth one column from top.

see screen shot for help: (Note this pic only for demo, where to set minimum sdk version)


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