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how to separate values in variable from fortokens in jstl

I'm stuck on assigning value to a variable using forTokens of JSTL


<c:forTokens items="${row.date}" delims="/" var="values">
    <c:set var="date" value="${values}"></c:set>
    <c:out value="${date }"></c:out>

through the above code I get some thing like :

19 April 2014

Now I want to know how to get :

String day = "19"

String month = "April"

String year = "2014"

from ${values} which is like Array


In JSP I added the following code:

<%--You can use your date instead of this--%> 
<%  pageContext.setAttribute("date", new Date()); %>

<fmt:formatDate  value="${date}" pattern="dd" var="day"  /></p>
The day is: <c:out value="${day}"/>

<fmt:formatDate  value="${date}" pattern="MMMM" var="month"  /></p>
The month is: <c:out value="${month}"/>

<fmt:formatDate  value="${date}" pattern="yyyy" var="year"  /></p>
The year is: <c:out value="${year}"/>

And it works:

The day is: 19

The month is: April

The year is: 2014 

In my pom.xml I have the following dependencies:



<c:forTokens items="${row.date}" delims="/" var="values" varStatus="status">
    <c:if test="${status.index == 0}">
        <c:set var="day" value="${values}"></c:set>
    <c:if test="${status.index == 1}">
        <c:set var="month" value="${values}"></c:set>
    <c:if test="${status.index == 2}">
        <c:set var="year" value="${values}"></c:set>

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