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Inserting values from mysql_fetch_assoc into form input

I have som problem writing back to table. I connect to table as wanted and get the information output correctly. The input correctedby, and the checkboxes is saving as i want. but i dont know how to write the mysql_fetch_assoc back to table I have this kode;

echo "Logged in as:<br>"  .$_SESSION['myusername'];

include "header.inc.php";
   include "funksjoner.inc.php";
//in this file the connetion to server

   $connection= kobleTil(); //trenger ikke oppgi databasenavn

//Steg 2:  SQL-query
$sql  = "SELECT * FROM oppgave  WHERE modulid=1 AND resultat is NULL ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection); 
echo "<hr>";
while ($nextrow= mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    echo "answer: " . $nextrow['answer'];
    echo "<br>Modulid: " . $nextrow['modulid'];
        echo "<br>student: " . $nextrow['studentid'];
        echo "<br>";

echo '<form name="input" action="tilretting.php" method="get">';
echo'<input type="text" name="correctedby" value="'.$_SESSION['myusername'].'">';
echo 'Not approved<input type="checkbox" name="resultat" value="0">';
echo 'Approved<input type="checkbox" name="resultat" value="1">';
echo '<input type="text" name="studentid" value="dont know how to write correct here">';
echo '<input class="levermodulknapp" type="submit" name="lever1" value="Lever modul 1">';
echo  "</form>";
echo "<hr>";

how can I get the form to get the value from mysql_fetch_assoc into the form? Is the mysql_fetch_assoc the right thing to use? Very gratefull for any tip!

    $result = mysql_query($sql, $connection); 
echo "<hr>";
while ($nextrow= mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    echo "answer: " . $nextrow['answer'];
    echo "<br>Modulid: " . $nextrow['modulid'];
        echo "<br>student: " . $nextrow['studentid'];
        echo "<br>";

echo '<form name="input" action="tilretting.php" method="get">';
    echo'<input type="text" name="correctedby" value="'.$_SESSION['myusername'].'">';
    echo 'Not approved<input type="checkbox" name="resultat" value="0">';
    echo 'Approved<input type="checkbox" name="resultat" value="1">';
    echo '<input type="text" name="studentid" value="'.$nextrow['columnName'].'">';
    echo '<input class="levermodulknapp" type="submit" name="lever1" value="Lever modul 1">';
    echo  "</form>";
    echo "<hr>";


$data = null;
$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection); 
echo "<hr>";
while ($nextrow= mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    echo "answer: " . $nextrow['answer'];
    echo "<br>Modulid: " . $nextrow['modulid'];
        echo "<br>student: " . $nextrow['studentid'];
        echo "<br>";
     $data = $nextrow['colunmName'];

echo '<form name="input" action="tilretting.php" method="get">';
    echo'<input type="text" name="correctedby" value="'.$_SESSION['myusername'].'">';
    echo 'Not approved<input type="checkbox" name="resultat" value="0">';
    echo 'Approved<input type="checkbox" name="resultat" value="1">';
    echo '<input type="text" name="studentid" value="'.$data.'">';
    echo '<input class="levermodulknapp" type="submit" name="lever1" value="Lever modul 1">';
    echo  "</form>";
    echo "<hr>";

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