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Prevent Phonegap notification.navigator popups from closing from touch outside of dialog

I am using Phonegap to build an Android application and am running into problems using functionality that is not well documented for Phonegap.

navigator.notification.activityStart('title', 'message');

The above works fine, and using it with activityStop() opens and closes the loading dialog when I need it to. The problem is that if the user touches the screen or hits the back button the loading dialog closes. I want it to remain open until I am done loading a document from a server in the background.

I am running into the same problem with navigator.notification.alert and the other functions of the navigator.notification .

Also, I would prefer to not modify any native code. I know that I could probably edit the Phonegap plugin native code to achieve this, but this application will eventually be cross-platform so I would prefer to not do any native code if possible.

I found a solution which I integrated in my application and it worked.

In java file of notification alert do the following change :

=> go to alert ()
=> dlg.setCancelable(false);

Good luck

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