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Spring Boot enable http requests logging (access logs)

How to enable access logs in an embedded tomcat server provided by spring boot ? I've tried this in application.properties but it doesn't create file, neither logs to console.

server.tomcat.access-log-pattern=%a asdasd

Here it goes a way to have them displayed in console or whatever file you choose. Declare Tomcat's RequestDumperFilter in any @Configuration class:

public FilterRegistrationBean requestDumperFilter() {
    FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean();
    Filter requestDumperFilter = new RequestDumperFilter();
    return registration;

And that's the output:

http-nio-8765-exec-1 START TIME        =30-may-2016 12:45:41
http-nio-8765-exec-1         requestURI=/info
http-nio-8765-exec-1           authType=null
http-nio-8765-exec-1  characterEncoding=UTF-8
http-nio-8765-exec-1      contentLength=-1
http-nio-8765-exec-1        contentType=null
http-nio-8765-exec-1        contextPath=
http-nio-8765-exec-1             cookie=JSESSIONID=E7259F5F9ED6B04CBE5A294C5F8CA5C6
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=host=mies-057:8765
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=connection=keep-alive
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=accept=text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=upgrade-insecure-requests=1
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=referer=http://mies-057:1111/
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=accept-encoding=gzip, deflate, sdch
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=accept-language=es-ES,es;q=0.8
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=cookie=JSESSIONID=E7259F5F9ED6B04CBE5A294C5F8CA5C6
http-nio-8765-exec-1             locale=es_ES
http-nio-8765-exec-1             method=GET
http-nio-8765-exec-1           pathInfo=null
http-nio-8765-exec-1           protocol=HTTP/1.1
http-nio-8765-exec-1        queryString=null
http-nio-8765-exec-1         remoteAddr=
http-nio-8765-exec-1         remoteHost=
http-nio-8765-exec-1         remoteUser=null
http-nio-8765-exec-1 requestedSessionId=E7259F5F9ED6B04CBE5A294C5F8CA5C6
http-nio-8765-exec-1             scheme=http
http-nio-8765-exec-1         serverName=mies-057
http-nio-8765-exec-1         serverPort=8765
http-nio-8765-exec-1        servletPath=/info
http-nio-8765-exec-1           isSecure=false
http-nio-8765-exec-1 ------------------=--------------------------------------------
http-nio-8765-exec-1 ------------------=--------------------------------------------
http-nio-8765-exec-1           authType=null
http-nio-8765-exec-1        contentType=application/json;charset=UTF-8
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=Strict-Transport-Security=max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=X-Application-Context=EDGE:8765
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=Content-Type=application/json;charset=UTF-8
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=Transfer-Encoding=chunked
http-nio-8765-exec-1             header=Date=Mon, 30 May 2016 10:45:41 GMT
http-nio-8765-exec-1             status=200
http-nio-8765-exec-1 END TIME          =30-may-2016 12:45:41
http-nio-8765-exec-1 ===============================================================

Then manage it as any standard Spring Boot log.


server.tomcat.accessLogPattern=%a asdasd

and look in /tmp/tomcat.<random>.<port>/logs for the output files. Set server.tomcat.basedir property to change the directory.

In Spring Boot 1.5.1 the properties mentioned by Dave Syer no longer works, instead they're renamed into:

server.tomcat.accesslog.pattern=%t %a "%r" %s (%D ms)

Using the configuration above, if running the project via its root directory the log will be available at target/tomcat-logs/log/access_log.*

With Spring Boot 2.X , if you want to manage Access logs , add these lines to your application.yml file:

    basedir: /home/tmp
      enabled: true

It will create a folder named logs in the basedir you defined ( /home/tmp here) containing the access log files.

If you want to have access logs in the console do like that:

      enabled: true
      directory: /dev
      prefix: stdout
      buffered: false

It will rediect logs to /dev/stdout

More informations: https://community.pivotal.io/s/article/how-to-configure-access-log-entries-for-a-spring-boot-app?language=en_US

If you have a Spring Boot app, and would like to enable http logging to stdout , as might be useful in a containerised application, without modifying and code or config files you can add the following environment variables


Note suffix and file-date-format should be set to nothing

Then restart your app and you should get logging

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