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Saving options of an excel file

I am generating an excel file on button click from webpage using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; .Now the problem that i am getting is that the generating file is getting saved into the localdisk of the system .Means the path is hardcoded..here is my code.

        object objOpt = Missing.Value;
        objBook.SaveAs(@"D:\SampleChart.xls", objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt);
        objBook.Close(false, objOpt, objOpt);

So my question is how can i save this excel file from the browser.

Thanks in advance..

Please use objBook.SaveCopyAs("filename"); instead of objBook.SaveAs();

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