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php simple DOM parser

ok so i have been battling with this for a while now so maybe someone can help me.

Im trying to get the email link from this HTML:

<div id="field_11" class="fieldRow span12 lastFieldRow">
  <span class="caption">E-mail</span>
  <span class="output">
   <script type="text/javascript">
     document.write('<a hr'+'ef="mai'+'lto'+':'+
   <a href="mailto:%40%67%6d%61%69%6c">@mail</a>

Im trying to get the '@mail' part of the html code, after the a href="mailto:..." part. NOT the document.write() part but the last tag in the code.

for some reason when ever i try to get the children of the tag span with the output class it thinks it only has 1 child which is the script tag but i just can't seem to grab the email plain text.

So far what i have:

 $target_url = "some_web_site";
 $html = new simple_html_dom();

foreach($html->find('span[class=output]') as $d){ 
    echo $d->children(1)->plaintext . "<br />";

any help?

It is possible with just DOM+Xpath, too.

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);

    'string(//span[@class="output"]//a[starts-with(@href, "mailto:")])'

Output: https://eval.in/148063

string(5) "@mail"

The Xpath selects all span elements with the class attribute "output"


Then it looks for a elements where the href attribute starts with "mailto:"

//span[@class="output"]//a[starts-with(@href, "mailto:")]

The result of this is a list of a element nodes (with the example content a single node). The string() function casts the first node into a string if the node list is empty it will return an empty string.

string(//span[@class="output"]//a[starts-with(@href, "mailto:")])

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