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PHP simple html dom Parser - Simple Script

I need some help for creating a simple script that check on other site.

Example: I have index.php and an input form like this.

<form method="post">
    <input type="text" name="cf" placeholder="Codice Fiscale"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

and index2.php where I need to get and show validation or error not found where URL will be index2.php?cf=FFFFF21243F1234F354F

other URL where I need to check is: http://www.nonsolocap.it/codice-fiscale/controllo/?cf=FFFFF21243F1234F354F (this url shows Error cuz this CF does exist)

I didn't understand your question But well.

action="some site.php"



Explain more--..

As far as I can understand you are trying to get data on another url with parameter CF and then that other url will do validation using CF value

ok to do that

<form method="GET" action="http://yourwebsitename.php">
    <input type="text" name="cf" placeholder="Codice Fiscale"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Now when you click submit then your url will look like http://yourwebsitename.php?cf=value-enterd-on-the-form

now on the other website where you want to do validation get CF paremeter using

$cf = GET['cf'];

now do whatever you want to do with $cf

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