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Sticky Side Bar on touch devices

I have a "sticky" side bar using this plugin: https://github.com/AndrewHenderson/jSticky . Basically, it works well on desktop but on touch devices it delays a second or two until the page is fully scrolled to re-appear in its proper place. Is there any way to make it scroll WHILE the page is scrolling as on desktop? I have seen sticky elements on other sites work like this, so there should be a way check and implement the position smoother. The code is below. All you do is assign a .sticky class to an item. For a demo, you can see this page I'm working on: http://www.mjmlawoffice.com/responsive/index.php/fees

topSpacing: 0,
stopper: "#footer"

;(function($) {

  $.fn.sticky = function(options) {

    var defaults = {
        topSpacing: 0, // No spacing by default
        zIndex: '', // No default z-index
        stopper: '.sticky-stopper' // Default stopper class, also accepts number value
      settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Accepts custom stopper id or class

    // Checks if custom z-index was defined
    function checkIndex() {

      if (typeof settings.zIndex == 'number') {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    var hasIndex = checkIndex(); // True or false

    // Checks if a stopper exists in the DOM or number defined
    function checkStopper() {

      if ( 0 < $(settings.stopper).length || typeof settings.stopper === 'number' ) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    var hasStopper = checkStopper(); // True or false

    return this.each(function() {

      var $this          = $(this),
          thisHeight     = $this.outerHeight(),
          thisWidth      = $this.outerWidth(),
          topSpacing     = settings.topSpacing,
          zIndex         = settings.zIndex,
          pushPoint      = $this.offset().top - topSpacing, // Point at which the sticky element starts pushing
          placeholder    = $('<div></div>').width(thisWidth).height(thisHeight).addClass('sticky-placeholder'), // Cache a clone sticky element
          stopper        = settings.stopper,
          $window        = $(window);

      function stickyScroll() {

        var windowTop  = $window.scrollTop(); // Check window's scroll position

        if ( hasStopper && typeof stopper === 'string' ) {
          var stopperTop = $(stopper).offset().top,
              stopPoint  = (stopperTop - thisHeight) - topSpacing;
        } else if (hasStopper && typeof stopper === 'number') {
          var stopPoint = stopper;

        if (pushPoint < windowTop) {
          // Create a placeholder for sticky element to occupy vertical real estate
            position: 'fixed',
            top: topSpacing

          if (hasIndex) {
            $this.css({ zIndex: zIndex });

          if (hasStopper) {
            if (stopPoint < windowTop) {
              var diff = (stopPoint - windowTop) + topSpacing;
              $this.css({ top: diff });
        } else {
            position: 'static',
            top: null,
            left: null


      $window.bind("scroll", stickyScroll);

this is because your css selector for @media screen and (min-width: 768px) *js-mainnav.megamenu-sticky is only displayed on a desktop with min-width 768px

the attribute that it needs are not on smaller browser are not included.

try adding

#js-mainnav.megamenu-sticky {
    z-index: 1000;
   position: fixed !important;

outside the mediaquery

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