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Startup script run as a specific user Ubuntu

So I have a user, userA on Ubuntu. When the machine starts I want to add a script to /etc/rc0.d called startService

From inside of this script it will start several services using three scripts


I'd like those three scripts to be started from userA, not root. How would I achieve this?

You can use commands like: su, sudo, runuser

Be sure to check the man pages.

This site might be able to help you also http://www.cyberciti.biz/open-source/command-line-hacks/linux-run-command-as-different-user/

You can run commands inside your startup script with:

sudo -u <username> ....

Note: you will need to to preface every command in the file that you want to run as another user. I'd recommend making a variable at the top of your script like so:

SUDO="sudo -u <username>"

Then just do: $SUDO <command>

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