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XML Serializing a List<Class>

I'm having issues deserializing XML which I can't quite figure out. Mainly, I'm trying to avoid having to nest classes when they're inside a list but not succeeding. For example:

public class Foo
    public BarElement Bar = new BarElement();

    public class BarElement
        public List<MoreElement> MoreBars = new List<MoreElement>();

    public class MoreElement
        public string Attribute { get; set; }

        public string Value { get; set; }

Corresponds to:

            <More Attribute=""></More>
            <More Attribute=""></More>
            <More Attribute=""></More>
            <More Attribute=""></More>

This almost works... but not quite. By adding XmlRoot to MoreElement, I'm trying to avoid the necessity of having to create a new class named "MoreBarsElement" that contains only a List of MoreElements, since it's already quite a chore to access "Foo.Bar.MoreBars.Value". Is this possible? If so, how would I do it?

Answering my own question - looks like I needed

[XmlArray("MoreBars"), XmlArrayItem(typeof(MoreElement), ElementName = "More")]

On the array item declaration. It works now, hurray!

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