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Executing ImageMagick from php. Trying to convert first pdf page to png

I have the following code:

$input = "C:/wamp/www/lnu/components/com_djclassifieds/images/item/input.pdf";
$output = "C:/wamp/www/lnu/components/com_djclassifieds/images/item/output.png";
exec("C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.8.9-Q16\convert -density 400 {$input}[0] -resize 25% {$output}");

I also tried exec('C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.8.9-Q16\\convert -density 400 "'.$input.'"[0] -resize 25% "'.$output.'"'); , and it does not work.

I think this should work because in my command line I type: C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.8.9-Q16>convert -density 400 "c:/test.pdf"[0] -resize 25% "c:/out.png" , and it works.

Any advise?


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