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Keep getting error for localList

OK i cant seem to get this error to go away on localList. The error reads localList cannot be resolved to a variable. I tried to put a variable but it just gave me more errors. I even tried to delete the localList but it doesnt seem to resolve the problem.

Heres the code

  private class CustomAdapter
    extends ArrayAdapter<ListRapBeats.RowData>
    public CustomAdapter(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, List<ListRapBeats.RowData> paramList)
      super(paramInt2, paramList, localList);


    public View getView(int paramInt, View paramView, ViewGroup paramViewGroup)
      ListRapBeats.RowData localRowData = (ListRapBeats.RowData)getItem(paramInt);
      if (paramView == null)
        paramView = ListRapBeats.this.mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list, null);
        paramView.setTag(new ViewHolder(paramView));
      ViewHolder localViewHolder = (ViewHolder)paramView.getTag();
      ImageView localImageView = localViewHolder.getImage();
      if ((ListRapBeats.this.TestSongExists(localRowData.mfileName)) || (ListRapBeats.this.downloadedSongs.contains(localRowData.mfileName)))
        return paramView;
      if ((localRowData.mfileName.equals("one")) || (localRowData.mfileName.equals("two")) || (localRowData.mfileName.equals("three")))
        return paramView;
    return localImageView;

    private class ViewHolder
      private ImageView i11 = null;
      private View mRow;
      private TextView title = null;

      public ViewHolder(View paramView)
        this.mRow = paramView;

      public ImageView getImage()
        if (this.i11 == null) {
          this.i11 = ((ImageView)this.mRow.findViewById(R.id.itemlogo));
        return this.i11;

      public TextView gettitle()
        if (this.title == null) {
          this.title = ((TextView)this.mRow.findViewById(R.id.title));
        return this.title;

  private class RowData
    protected int mId;
    protected String mTitle;
    protected String mfileName;

    RowData(int paramInt, String paramString1, String paramString2)
      this.mId = paramInt;
      this.mTitle = paramString1;
      this.mfileName = paramString2;

    public String toString()
      return this.mId + " " + this.mTitle + " " + this.mfileName;

See your code here:

public CustomAdapter(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, List<ListRapBeats.RowData> paramList)

==> your list is called paramList not localList . There is no variable with the name localList declared in your code that is why you get localList cannot be resolved to a variable error.

Update: the code where you call the super-constructor doesn't make sense to me:

super(paramInt2, paramList, localList);

==> There is no constructor for ArrayAdapter that would take an int + 2 lists (I guess you did not want localList to be an int..) as the parameters. That is why the error: ArrayAdapter(int, List, int) is undefined on the super(paramInt2, paramList, localList); shows up. What is the idea behind this code?

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