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Replace some of the text in select box option

I have this Show/Hide select box ( JS Fiddle ) that gets a classname from a selected option and hides a corresponding unordered list item. I am at a loss to use replace() to replace the text Hide with Show or vice versa when an option is clicked.(eg Show Month should become Hide Month on click.)

I also want to change all the options back to Hide when I click the Show All option.

When I used findoption.replace('Hide','Show'); I got this Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function error. Can anyone show me how to do that? Any help would be appreciated.

JS Code:

    $(".showhidelist").change(function() {
        $this = $(this);
        var findoption = $this.find('option:selected');
        var selected = findoption.data('hide');
        var show_hide_li = $("."+selected);
        if (show_hide_li.css("display") == "none") {
           /* Want to Replace the text Hide with Show */
        else if (show_hide_li.is(':visible')){
          /* Want to Replace the text Show with Hide */
        else if (selected == "Reset") {
         /* Want to Replace the text Show with Hide if it's true */



<select class="showhidelist">
    <option data-hide="Reset">Show All</option>
    <option data-hide="year">Hide Year</option>
    <option data-hide="month">Hide Month</option>
    <option data-hide="day">Hide Day</option>

<ul id="list">
    <li class="year">2004</li>
    <li class="month">Feb</li>
    <li class="day">17</li>


You are not getting the text() into the replace, and you could use the function that .text() has to replace the text.

findoption.text(function(_,text){ return text.replace('Hide', 'Show')});

Change the word 'Hide' or 'Show' depend on what you want.


I read in caspian comment, that you problem now is that you could not re-click an option clicked, try restarting the select to first option like:


findoption is returns a jquery array, so you would need to access the first element there. I think the following will achieve what you're looking for (as far as the selected element goes).

findoption[0].innerHTML = findoption[0].innerHTML.replace('Show','Hide');

I'm not sure what you're really doing - this gets a little quirky, since you have the show/hide all and you'll have to go through the whole list to update them when you do. Also - you aren't getting a selected event when you re-select what's already selected.

UPDATE: this includes how to update all items in the list using each()

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hk4wg/15/

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