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remove parent if child node has no value

I want to remove parent elements from an XML structure if child is empty. My XML:


Should become:


my code :

XmlElement element3 = xmlDocument.CreateElement("Age");
        element3.InnerText = str3;
XmlElement element4 = xmlDocument.CreateElement("Status");
        element4.InnerText = str4;

How can I remove the parent "customer", if age and status child are empty?

You can use XPath syntax along with SelectNodes() method to get specific nodes from XmlDocument easily.

Example to select <Customer> elements having child node <Age> and <Status> empty, then remove those selected elements :

 var nodes = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//Customer[Age = '' and Status = '']"); foreach (XmlElement node in nodes) { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } 


It seems that you're the one that construct the XML. So i'd suggest to check if str3 and str4 are empty, and if they are remove corresponding <Customer> element :

 if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { element1.ParentNode.RemoveChild(element1); } 

I understand that you're creating a new file and adding each element after the validation. I think this should work for you:

XDocument input = XDocument.Load("customers.xml");
XDocument output = new XDocument();
output.Add(new XElement("Customers"));
IEnumerable<XElement> elements = input.Element("Customers").Elements("customer");
foreach (XElement el in elements)
    string age = el.Element("Age").Value;
    string status = el.Element("Status").Value;
    if (age != "" || status != "")

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