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How can I send form values from jsp file to controller in Spring, JSP?

I'm trying to design a web page allows users to make comments on eachothers' profiles. To do this, the logged in user clicks the name of another user and see his/her detailed profile page and can make comment on that page. So the Comment table has two foreign key columns as commentator_id and owner_id . When a user makes a comment on another user's profile, the comment table will keep the both users' id and the text, title of comment and so on.

Here's my Controller :

 @RequestMapping(value = "/comment", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView comment(Principal principal, String username, @ModelAttribute Comment c) {

        ModelAndView result = new ModelAndView("result");

        User user = userService.findByUsername(username); // the user who gets the comment

        String username2 = (String) ((Authentication) principal).getPrincipal(); //logged in user who makes the comment
        User authenticatedUser = userService.findByUsername(username2);




        String message = "Com was successfully added.";
        result.addObject("message", message);
        return result;


My jsp file :

  <form method="post" action="comment">
            <table border="1" width="30%" cellpadding="5">
                        <th colspan="2">Leave a referance</th>
                        <td><input type="text" name="title" value="" /></td>
                        <td><input type="text" name="message" value="" /></td>

       // ...

             <a href="<c:url value="/comment"><c:param name="username" value="${user.getUsername()}"/></c:url>">Send</a>

With this way, a user can make comment on another user's profile but the Comment table only keeps the id of both user but not the text, title and other values which I get from the form. How can I also keep form values in the db?

use ModelAttribute annotation

   public ModelAndView getMessage(@ModelAttribute("s") Student s){
       ModelAndView model=new ModelAndView("Successpage");
     return model;

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