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Jenkins on Raspberry Pi not visible on LAN

I am trying to run a headless jenkins/subversion Raspberry Pi on my home network. I installed the Raspbian Server image found here , and I have setup subversion with apache2. I have installed jenkins with the tutorial found here . I have also changed the HTTP_HOST in the jenkins config to instead of I am still not able to reach jenkins when I type [insert-Rpi-IP]:8080 into the browser of my other machines connected to my home router. any suggestions?

If you're still looking for a solution on this, first take a look to see if that port is open/availalble.

The built-in way to check is with netstat:

  netstat -an |grep LISTEN

tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN

however I prefer the tool lsof as it provides more detail on what is connected to the port/ (> sudo apt-get install lsof)

  sudo lsof -ni |grep LISTEN

java      32292     jenkins  149u  IPv6 49966390      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)

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