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Label placement outside circles without overlap using layout.pack

I'm very new to d3 and I'm building a chart using d3.layout.pack.

I would like to place the text labels of every circle outside the circle, but without overlapping other labels or other circles.

Like this: bubble chart using d3.layout.pack

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot

pd: this is what i've tried:

var nodes = d3.layout.pack()
  .value(function(d) { return d.size; })
  .size([w, h]).padding(333)

I would suggest another approach: to place labels/text along the top of the circles, and only for fairly large circles... This will not solve overlap problem completely, but visual organization will be better, in my opinion.

Here is the jsfiddle of an example illustrating the approach.


The details are described in another SO question/answer

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