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Import CSV timestamp into MySQL acceptable format while using LOAD DATA INFILE

I have a CSV file with the timestamp in the following format

 timestamp,             day_chan2, day_chan3
01/02/2014 00:00,             9,    2
01/02/2014 00:00,            16,    5

I am trying to import it into a MySQL database using LOAD DATA INFILE

$query_name = "LOAD DATA INFILE ' "
                                . $file_path . 
                                "' INTO TABLE '"
                                . $this->table_name . 
                                 " ' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\,' 
                                 LINES TERMINATED BY '\\n' 
                                 IGNORE 1 LINES 

My problem is the following: how do I convert the timestamp into a format acceptable to my MySQL while importing it into the database?

I am clueless now on how to change the timestamp into a proper timestamp which I can use to query later.

I've never tried this, but you might be able to do something like:

$query_name = "LOAD DATA INFILE ' "
                                . $file_path . 
                                "' INTO TABLE '"
                                . $this->table_name . 
                                 " ' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\,' 
                                 LINES TERMINATED BY '\\n' 
                                 IGNORE 1 LINES 
                                 SET time_stamp=STR_TO_DATE(@mytimestamp, '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i');"

There are examples of this in the MySQL documentation:


MySQLs STR_TO_DATE is probably the best way to do this, given your comment, see below...

if (!($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO ". $this->table_name . "(`time_stamp`,`day_chan2`,`day_chan3`) VALUES (STR_TO_DATE(?, 'd/m/y H:M'),?,?)"))) {
    echo "Prepare failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error;
for ($fields in $data) {
   $stmt->bind_param('i', $fields[0]);
   $stmt->bind_param('i', $fields[1]);
   $stmt->bind_param('i', $fields[2]);
   if (!$stmt->execute()) {
      echo "Execute failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;

Good luck and leave a comment if you need further help.

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