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Access website on a local IIS from a mobile phone

我在本地 IIS 服务器上上传了我的 ASP.NET 网站 我使用的是 Windows 8.1 pro,并想通过另一台 PC 和手机(Windows 手机或安卓)访问该网站 我想知道如何配置我的网络和我的服务器虽然做

First, both devices should be in the same network. Then hit windows key and type "Windows Defender Firewall". In advance settings, you can add a new Inbound rule. Next, select the port option and give your port number. After creating a new Inbound rule you can connect using the IP address and port. eg:


  1. you have to find your iis machines' ip address - you can use service like: http://www.whatismyip.com/

  2. open your firewall port for whatever port you set for the website in iis. (Firewall port opening tutorial: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/open-port-windows-firewall#1TC=windows-7 )

  3. then on your another pc or mobile, just navigate using the ip you found on setp 1 with the port number you set on iis.

I was using MachineName:Port , thus was not working. When using MachineIP:Port it works, however. I found that mobile cannot resolve the ip of machine using its name, as a normal PC can do (PC's Chrome works using machine name, but Android's one does not work unless using explicit IP).

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