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Replace href attribute onclick

I am trying to modify the href attribute when a user clicks on a link. I'm using a script called stylesheetswitcher to switch CSS styles and would like to jump between 2 styles while clicking one link.

Here is the link HTML:

<a href="javascript:chooseStyle('style1')"">switch style</a>

I want the href change to "style2" when clicked.

Updated answer:

Thanks for clarifying your requirements.

As mentioned on the page for styleswitcher JS , there are only a few things you need to do to get this working:

You need to assign title attributes to your <link> tags in your head

Let's say you have the following stylesheet links:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style1.css">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="css/style2.css">

You need to mark them by adding title attributes, like so:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style1.css" title="style1">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="css/style2.css" title="style2">

Write yourself a style swapping function

function swapStyles () {
    if ( this.getAttribute('data-active-style').value === 'style1' ) {
        // Switch styles
        // Set the active style
    } else {
        // Switch styles
        // Set the active style
    return this;

Add an event listener to your <a>

You can do this with the HTML onclick attribute

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="swapStyles()">switch styles</a>

Or, you can add an event listener in Javascript:

document.querySelectorAll('a')[0].addEventListener('click', function () {
}, true);

Check this Fiddle

It's better to make something like a toggle function, like so:

function toggleStyle () {
    if ( this.className.indexOf('style1') > -1 )
        this.className = 'style2';
        this.className = 'style1';

Also, you should take that Javascript out of the href attribute. Instead, add an event listener in your Javascript:

function toggleStyle () {
    if ( this.className.indexOf('style1') > -1 )
        this.className = 'style2';
        this.className = 'style1';

// Wait for window to load
window.onload = function () {

    // Add event listener
    document.querySelectorAll('a')[0].addEventListener('click', toggleStyle, true);


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