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Writing UUID to JSON in Scala with Spray

Im having some problems returning an UUID in a JSON with my application in Scala and Spray . When the entity User(id: UUID, name: String) is parsed to JSON I received:

     "id": {
         "mostSigBits": 1310448748437770800,
         "leastSigBits": -7019414172579620000
      "name": "Sharekhan"

I would like to receive the uuid in a String format . Something like:

     "id": "122fa631-92fd-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a63",
      "name": "Sharekhan"

I defined the UUID format and the Read is executed when I parse from JSON to User but the Write isn't used in the inverse order (User -> Json)

 implicit object UuidJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[UUID] {
   def write(x: UUID) = JsString(x.toString) //Never execute this line
   def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
      case JsString(x) => UUID.fromString(x)
      case x           => deserializationError("Expected UUID as JsString, but got " + x)

Is any way to do this o should I convert the UUID into a String in the User entity?

Any help will be appreciated,


Make sure to have the implicit format for the Uuid before the user format that uses it and it should work:

object UserJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
 implicit object UuidJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[UUID] {
   def write(x: UUID) = JsString(x.toString) //Never execute this line
   def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
      case JsString(x) => UUID.fromString(x)
      case x           => deserializationError("Expected UUID as JsString, but got " + x)
 implicit val UserFormat = jsonFormat2(User)

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