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How to manually create a new empty Eloquent Collection in Laravel 4

How do we create a new Eloquent Collection in Laravel 4, without using Query Builder?

There is a newCollection() method which can be overridden by that doesn't really do job because that is only being used when we are querying a set result.

I was thinking of building an empty Collection, then fill it with Eloquent objects. The reason I'm not using array is because I like Eloquent Collections methods such as contains .

If there are other alternatives, I would love to hear them out.

It's not really Eloquent, to add an Eloquent model to your collection you have some options:

In Laravel 5 you can benefit from a helper

$c = collect(new Post);


$c = collect();
$c->add(new Post);

OLD Laravel 4 ANSWER

$c = new \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

And then you can

$c->add(new Post);

Or you could use make:

$c = Collection::make(new Post);

As of Laravel 5. I use the global function collect()

$collection = collect([]); // initialize an empty array [] inside to start empty collection

this syntax is very clean and you can also add offsets if you don't want the numeric index, like so:

$collection->offsetSet('foo', $foo_data); // similar to add function but with
$collection->offsetSet('bar', $bar_data); // an assigned index

I've actually found that using newCollection() is more future proof....


$collection = (new Post)->newCollection();

That way, if you decide to create your own collection class for your model (like I have done several times) at a later stage, it's much easier to refactor your code, as you just override the newCollection() function in your model

Just to add on to the accepted answer, you can also create an alias in config/app.php

'aliases' => array(

    'Collection'      => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::class,

Then you simply need to do

$c = new Collection;

Laravel >= 5.5

This may not be related to the original question, but since it's one of the first link in google search, i find this helpful for those like me, who are looking for how to create empty collection.

If you want to manually create a new empty collection , you can use the collect helper method like this:

$new_empty_collection = collect();

You can find this helper in Illuminate\\Support\\helpers.php


if (! function_exists('collect')) {
     * Create a collection from the given value.
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
    function collect($value = null)
        return new Collection($value);

It is better to use the Injection Pattern and after $this->collection->make([]) than new Collection

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
// Inside of a clase.
public function __construct(Collection $collection){
    $this->collection = $collection;

public function getResults(){
$results = $this->collection->make([]);

In Laravel 5 and Laravel 6 you can resolve the Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection class out of the service container and then add models into it.

$eloquentCollection = resolve(Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::class);
// or app(Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::class). Whatever you prefer, app() and resolve() do the same thing.


For more information about understanding resolving objects out of the service container in laravel take a look here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/container#resolving

I am using this way :

$coll = new Collection();
$coll->name = 'name';
$coll->value = 'value';
$coll->description = 'description';

and using it as normal Collection


What worked for me was to name the use namespace and instantiate it directly:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection as EloquentCollection;

# Usage
$this->latest_posts = new EloquentCollection();

Allowed me to merge two data subsets of eloquent collection results, this maintains the relationships - a regular collection ( collect() ) loses relationship and probably some more metadata.

$limit = 5;
$this->latest_posts = new EloquentCollection();

$pinned_posts = PinnedPostReference::where('category', $category)->get();
if($pinned_posts->count() > 0) {
    foreach($pinned_posts as $ppost) {

# Another Eloquent result set ($regular_posts)
foreach($regular_posts as $regular_post) {

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