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Prevent const class function from calling non-const class function on reference member

Excuse me for the pretty obscure title, but it does kinda say it all. This is what I mean

class A
    void DoSomething(); // non-const
Class B
    B(A& a) : _a(a) { }
    // const function
    void DoSomethingElse() const
        // Is there a way to disallow this?
    void DoEvenMore()
        // Should be OK
    // Can't make it const A& because it needs
    // be non-const for non-const functions
    A& _a; // A reference

So is there a way I can prevent B::DoSomethingElse() from calling A::DoSomething() ?
However, B::DoEventMore() which is not const should be able to keep on calling.

I'm using Visual C++ 2013.

The code above would demonstrate a bug in my program. (In my scenario class A would unload the calling code's object/ this pointer.) Since the point of const-correctness would be to prevent these kind of errors, I was just wondering if there's a way to check for this at compile time.

In the application I'm writing the function wouldn't seem dangerous to call at all. When calling it from DoEvenMore() the result would be the same, except that the destruction of B is deferred until the function is done running.

Instead of using the _a data member directly create accessor functions with const and non- const overloads. This will cause the const overload to be selected when called from within const member functions of B , which in turn prevents you from calling non- const functions of A .

A const& GetA() const { return _a; }
A& GetA() { return _a; }

void DoSomethingElse() const
    GetA().DoSomething(); // error

The rules for "constness" make the object itself immutable but does not affect the constness of pointed to/referred objects. If you want to access a const reference only when you use a const method, you need to create a method overloaded on constness that returns either a reference or a const reference.

class B {
    inline A& a() { return _a; }
    inline const A& a() const { return _a; }
    // ...

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