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Cant get .innerHTML to work

I am working with ruby on rails and I want to test some things out.

I have used this simple code to change the innerHTML of my body:

document.body.innerHTML = "Work will you?";

It doesn't bring any results.

I know my javascript file works correctly because i tested it with the: alert() function

When i put the document.body.innerHTML into my file it breaks the javascript (the alert no longer works)

Anybody knows whats could cause this??

You must be running your code from within the <head> tag. document.body doesn't exist at that point. You have to wait for the DOM to be ready. You can do that using something like jQuery's $(document).ready() http://jsfiddle.net/L83mL/

Credit to https://stackoverflow.com/users/1013842/david and https://stackoverflow.com/users/400654/kevin-b

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