I try to filter my array with items, that was previously received from Local Storage. After filtering the array I try to update the local storage, but ...
I try to filter my array with items, that was previously received from Local Storage. After filtering the array I try to update the local storage, but ...
I have this query: And i'm calling it inside a functional component like this: Pretty basic, i don't see anything wrong but compile doesn't agre ...
I want to show my hidden div in 3 secs and after that, it will show even after the refresh, but the problem is when I reload the page I have to wait 3 ...
I have two custom hooks.useLocalStorage and useAuth. and here is the useAuth hook. Its just a wrapper around useLocalStorage but specifically for a ...
I am trying to work out how to store a javascript object in local storage that has a few items as well as an array of objects, if that is possible. To ...
I'm Making a Two Button in HTML,CSS and Javascript. The first button is called "Call Button" and second button is "Skip Button". The process/scenario ...
I have a fullstack (React & Spring Boot) app and use JWT token. When user login, I set the jwt token and user details in local storage. However, w ...
i got two copies of the same code with slight variation but seems the second one isnt working. I have tried using ChatGPT to identify issues however, ...
I have coded this app that onClicklistener fetch data from the database and store them in fragments that are displayed in a frame layout on the main a ...
hey, I would like to save the filename and H1 value locally when clicking the button. These should also delete themselves later when the button is p ...
According to Kubernetes documentation, we should specify type: DirectoryOrCreate if we want to create directory on the host. The default option is "no ...
Let’s say I have a website : https://website.com This website has two pages : https://website.com/page1 https://website.com/page2 On the page1, I ha ...
By default I receive in my localStorage an array " name" with an item at position [0]. In my handleExitChat function, I delete this item that I receiv ...
Are there any alternatives for localstorage as we are using this to store a few data. Our issue is that our app is working as an iframe in Shopify, so ...
As per question, I am unable to retrieve or display items that I have saved to localStorage. I believe I may have my variables set wrong or not applyi ...
I am trying to use the localStorageService in my CustomAuthStateProvider class so I can create a AuthenticationState based on a key in LocalStorage (J ...
I'm implementing a localStorage on NextJs TypeScript by following https://upmostly.com/next-js/using-localstorage-in-next-js but I get an error on ...
I'm doing a lot of projects using local storage. Some live on the desktop: C:/Users/[myName]Desktop/... Some use the VS Code server: http://127. ...
I'm working on a portfolio project - which should use jquery - part of the task is to set and get text via localstorage - which I can do in Javascript ...
I want to add offline functionality in my existing asp.net mvc 4.7 web application. I searched a lot and found many links to add offline functionality ...