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Incoming SIP calls connect but end after being answered

I'm using Asterisk 11, a Cisco SPA303 Phone, and Twilio.

I can make outgoing phone calls without any issue and the call quality is top notch. On an incoming call however, my extension (and phone) ring, however when I answer the phone, there is no audio on either end and 30 seconds later, both calls end. Using Twilio's PCAP log, it shows that my asterisk server sends a BYE when answered. Asterisk however does not log a single thing on incoming calls. (All SIP traffic is logged on outgoing calls). Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

Update: Turns out that I had my incoming extensions in the wrong context, once that was updated, incoming and outgoing calls worked without a hitch. I marked @arheops as the answer because the logging of unanswered calls lead to the diagnosing of the problem.

Very likly(but you not informed) your asterisk installation is after NAT.

IF so, you have configure asterisk as described in http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/index.php?page_id=410

Also may need change ports on router/disable SIP ALG on router etc.

Logging(you mean cdr,right?) is controled by /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf

Most likly you have ananswered=no in that file.

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