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Can't access managed bean method using JSF

Hi I'm trying to access and call a method inside a managed bean in my JSF page. Here is the relevant part of the JSF page:

<ui:composition xmlns:ui="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/facelets"

<ui:define name="right">
    <c:forEach items="#{tweetManager.getTweets}" var="item">
        <h:link value="#{item.username}" />&nbsp;
        Likes: &nbsp;&nbsp;<h:outputText value="#{item.likes}" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <h:link id="" value="like" />&nbsp;<br />
            <h:outputText value="#{item.text}" />

Here is the managed bean.

public class TweetManager {
private Tweet TweetEntity;
private List<Tweet> Tweets;

private TweetService TweetService;

public void init(){
    TweetEntity = new Tweet();

public void setTweet(Tweet tweetEntity){
    this.TweetEntity = tweetEntity;

public Tweet getTweet(){
    return this.TweetEntity;

public void Save(){

public List<Tweet> getTweets(){
    Query query = TweetService.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM tweet");
    Tweets = query.getResultList();
    return Tweets;

I'm getting an error saying: ... .TweetManager' does not have the property 'getTweets'.

getTweet() is not a property , it is the accessor (or "getter") of the property.

The name of the property is tweets (without the get , first letter to lowercase). So:

<c:forEach items="#{tweetManager.tweets}" var="item">

Remember that boolean properties have "getters" like "is" (vg isRich() )

And keep in mind my comment about using generics.

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