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How to install Django in Ubuntu 11.10

I am very new to Ubuntu OS and Python as well. I want to install Django. But i dont have easy_install and I tried below command to install pip

sudo apt-get install python-pip

I got an error as below

Unable to locate package python-pip

I tried below command as well

sudo apt-get install python-pip

and i got error as below

E: Package 'python-setuptools' has no installation candidate

I am very confused in installing django, How to successfully install django

First update repositories

sudo apt-get update

then try

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential python-setuptools

if nothing, you can install pip and setuptools packages manually. Download them from PyPI.

Install pip

To install or upgrade pip, securely download get-pip.py .

Then run the following (which may require administrator access):

sudo python get-pip.py

If setuptools (or distribute ) is not already installed, get-pip.py will install setuptools for you.

To upgrade an existing setuptools (or distribute), run pip install -U setuptools

Upgrade pip

On Linux or OS X:

sudo pip install -U pip

Then you can download django using pip,

sudo pip install django


First you need make sure you have Python install, here I take 2.7.6 as example. For how to install Python, you can go check this link:


Then you can start install Django and setup database as follow:

sudo apt-get install python-django
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

You can find more configuration detail in this link


Also, for less pain in future develop, you should deploy your Django application in python virtualEnv, here are some detail of why you need virtualEnv.


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